Joren Oris


Joren Oris is a Data Integration consultant working fore DataSense. DataSense is an innovative company that focuses on Data Warehouse Automation and Data Integration by applying the Data Vault 2.0 methodology and standards within an Enterprise Open Source Platform.

Talk Description: Data Vault 2.0 & Pivotal Greenplum

Data Vault 2.0 is a system of data warehousing and business intelligence that is comprised of three major components: the Data Vault Model, the Data Vault Methodology, and the Data Vault Systems Architecture. Pivotal Greenplum is an advanced, fully featured, open source MPP data warehouse. It provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte scale data volumes. Uniquely geared toward big data analytics, Pivotal Greenplum is powered by the world’s most advanced cost-based query optimizer delivering high analytical query performance on large data volumes. Pivotal Greenplum is based on PostgreSQL.