Gilles Darold


Gilles is a PostgreSQL expert and developer. He is involved in the world of PostgreSQL and Linux for over 25 years and have worked on many different projects He is also an expert in Oracle to PostgreSQL migrations and the creator of the well known Ora2Pg tool. Gilles started using PostgreSQL in 1995, and since then he has created some well known tools around PostgreSQL like pgBadger for log analysis, pgCluu for performance analysis or pgFormatter. He has also contributed to PostgreSQL and developed various extensions.

Talk Description: Server side data manipulation in C

The common way to manipulate PostgreSQL data in C programming is to use the libpq library, but this is a client-side approach. How about reading and writing data at server side into C stored procedures or PostgreSQL extensions? Two possibilities are offered to us, SPI and direct access to data files with PostgreSQL. Most of the talk is about direct access to data files.